IMPACTO’s Directors

From Left to the Right: John Hatton, Luciana Santos, Felicidade Munguambe Salgado and Mia Couto
António Emílio Leite Couto (Mia Couto)
Director-General, Senior Consultant, Specialist in Terrestrial Ecology
Mia Couto is one of the founders of IMPACTO and has been the General Manager of the company since 2009. He has over 22 years of experience as an environmental consultant. He has coordinated more than 100 environmental impact studies for a broad range of development projects in key sectors, including oil and gas, mining, energy, tourism and transport.
As well as being a biologist, Mia Couto is a writer of international renown and has won various literary awards in Mozambique and abroad.
John Hatton
Executive Director, Senior Consultant, Specialist in Terrestrial Ecology
John Hatton is one of the founders of IMPACTO and is Executive Director of the company. He is a Senior Consultant with more than 25 years of experience in carrying out ESIAs in Mozambique, Angola and Nicaragua. John Hatton has worked as Project Manager, Senior Environmental Consultant and Quality Control Specialist for a wide variety of ESIAs in compliance with national legislation and international (World Bank and IFC) standards.
He has carried out ESIAs for a wide variety of sectors including the oil and gas industry, agriculture, tourism, mining & minerals, hydroelectric projects, transmission lines, ports and roads. Through this experience he has accumulated knowledge of ESIAs, impact evaluation, identification of mitigating measures and the preparation of Environmental Management Plans
Felicidade Munguambe Salgado
Director of Marketing and Institutional Relations
Felicidade Munguambe Salgado is the Marketing and Institutional Relations Director and specialist in Public Consultation. She coordinated and carried out more than 50 Public Consultation processes within the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Category A projects, in the areas of oil and gas, mines, dams and power transmission lines, among others. For over 10 years she has been carrying out the company’s corporate activities, including managing institutional relationships. Before joining IMPACTO she served as National Director of Environmental Impact Assessment at the then Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs. Within the framework of the then MICOA, she participated in the drafting of the environmental legislation currently in force in Mozambique.
Luciana Santos
Technical Director
Luciana Santos is the Technical Director at IMPACTO since 2017. She is a senior consultant with 12 years of experience in environmental and social studies. She has already coordinated large environmental and social impact studies, such as the Environmental and Social Impact Studies for the 3D Offshore Seismic Survey Multi-Client Project off the provinces of Sofala and Zambézia, at the request of POLARCUS; for the 2D Seismic Survey Project in Block P5-A in Mozambique, at the request of DELONEX, for the development of the Temane Gas-fired Combined Cycle Thermal Power Plant, at the request of Sumitomo. She was also responsible for the coordination of the Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Coastal Zone in Mozambique.
Her responsibilities include two main functions, namely ensuring that the quality of work produced exceeds the expectations of our clients and also work as an environmental consultant.